Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly

I am often amazed at some people's ability to determine what other people really mean
If you support building a Mosque near Ground Zero you are clearly a Muslim collaborator who supports terrorism and abuse of women.  If you oppose the Mosque you must be a redneck racist who hates all foreigners.
There always seems to be somebody who knows what you really mean.  I know it is not fashionable, but I've frequently found that the best way to know what somebody means is to ask them

If I hear one more politician reporting of their opponent "Sure s/he said [insert a position] but it is clear that they mean the opposite" . . .

Well I probably won't scream and yell, as I'd like to, because it will certainly happen tomorrow. 


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